加藤・小橋研究室 Internal Combustion Engine Lab.

Publication 2009

  1. Yoshimitsu Wada, Jiro Senda(Doshisha Univ.)
    "Demonstrating the Potential of Mixture Distribution Control for Controlled Combustion and Emissions Reduction in Premixed Charge Compression Ignition Engines"
    SAE Paper 2009-01-0498, 2009-4.

  2. Yoshimitsu Kobashi and Jiro Senda(Doshisha Univ.)
    "Feasible Study of Spray and Combustion Control Using Dual Component Fuel Based on Multicomponent Spray Model"
    11th International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Vail, Colorado, pp.1-6,2009-7.

  3. 小橋好充,上田圭佑(同志社大院),城戸良仁(同志社大院),千田二郎(同志社大学),藤本元(同志社大学)
  1. Satoshi Kato, Koki Kitade and Takeo Nakamura
    "Study on PCCI Engine with Direct Fuel Injection Impingement and Distribution (OSKA) System
    -Investigation on Compression Ratio and Fuel Properties-"
    Proceedings of the 15th ASIA Pacific Automotive Engineering Conference,Vol.2,APAC15-300,2009-10.

  2. Y.Oyama(Doshisha Univ.), Y.Kido(Doshisha Univ.), T.Morikawa(DoshishaUniv.), J.Senda(Doshisha Univ.), H.Fujimoto(Doshisha Univ.), Y.Kobashi
    "Demonstrating the Potential of Mixture Distribution Control for Controlled Combustion and Emissions Reduction in Premixed Charge Compression Ignition Engine"
    The 3rd International Workshop of Energy Conversion(IWEC-2009), Ppaer No.0011, pp.45-52, 2009-11.

  3. 城戸良仁(同志社大院), 小橋好充,千田二郎(同志社大学),藤本元(同志社大学)

  4. 藤森健太, 小橋好充,加藤聰,千田二郎(同志社大学)

  5. 田中大二郎, 小橋好充,加藤聰
    日本機械学会 北陸信越支部 第47期総会・講演会 講演論文集,pp.347-348,2010-3.

  6. 松本雅至(同志社大院),井上欣也(同志社大院),小橋好充,千田二郎(同志社大学)
  1. 小橋 好充

  2. 小橋好充